MARS installation procedure

Applicable for Release 1.0.0


1. Requirements

Hardware requirements:

Server with at least 1 GBytes of main memory

Software requirements:

Oracle 9i or PostgreSQL 8.0 for MARS
MySQL 4.0.xx for the Usermanagement
Java JDK 1.5.x
be sure that JAVA_HOME points to your JDK installation


2. Installation Instructions

To install MARS properly you have to execute the following steps on the server:

1. Installing MARS

1.1. Unpack mars.tar.gz

2. Oracle installation

2.1. Create a new tablespace for MARS

2.2. Create user like 'Scott' e.g.

username: marsdummy
password: marsdummy

2.3. Use initializeMARS_Oracle.sql to create tables in Oracle and to insert required data

2. or PostgreSQL installation

2.1. Create user new user e.g.

username: marsdummy
password: marsdummy

2.2. Create a new database for MARS (e.g. marsdummy)

2.3. Use initializeMARS_PostgreSQL.sql to create tables in PostgreSQL and to insert required data

3. MySQL installation

3.1 Create a schema

3.2. Create a new user

3.3. Use initializeAAS.sql to create necessary tables for the Authentication and Authorization System (AAS) and to insert required data

4. Adjusting JBoss settings according to your ORACLE or PostgreSQL and MySQL servers
4.0 jboss stands either for jboss_oracle or for jboss_postgresql

4.1. Go to jboss/server/default/deploy

4.2. Edit oracle-ds.xml or postgres-ds.xml and enter the required connection settings for Oracle or PostgreSQL

4.3. Go to jboss/server/usermanagement/deploy

4.4. Edit mysql-ds.xml and enter the required connection settings for MySQL

5. Create data root

5.1 Create your DATAROOTDIRECTORY. The DATAROOTDIRECTORY is the root path where all the files which are uploaded or can be downloaded from MARS are stored. Pay attention! This volume should be very large since all the scanned files are stored there, too!
e.g. /home/marsdata/

5.2. Copy FileUploadTypes.xml, MAGE_indent.xsl, and undo_indent.xsl to the created directory into a new subfolder called 'config'

5.3. If you want to connect to CARMAweb as well, copy the keystore file GenomeCA.clientTrust into a subfolder accessable for MARS.

6. Start the applications

6.1. Go to jboss/bin

6.2. Start supplied Authentication and Authorization System (AAS) with

./ -c usermanagement

6.3. Start MARS using


7. Change the MARS settings

7.1. Open http://localhost:8080

7.2. Click on JMX-Console

7.3. Click on service=MARSServerSettings

7.4. Use the method setProperty

arg1 = /home/marsdata/

7.5. Click on invoke

7.6. To check the properties use method „listProperties“

7.7. To the same for the other properties:


path to the keystore file GenomeCA.clientTrust




Time in ms when to update the overview page (default setting is 1 hour)


the email address of the MARS administrator


your outgoing mail server


smtp server port


address of the CARMAweb web service


ORACLE or POSTGRESQL based on your type of installation


your data root directory, where all the application data is stored

7.8. Restart MARS to guarantee that your settings take effect.

8. Get access to the AAS

8.1. Open your Web browser and type http://localhost:17080/UsermanagementWeb

8.2. Login using admin/12345

(change the password afterwards, since this is the ADMINISTRATOR account)

8.3. Create a new user account and add user to one of the available MARS groups

a testuser account has already been created:
username: testmars
password: test!!

The testmars user is in mars and marsQM Administrator group

9. Get access to MARS

9.1. Open your Web browser and type http://localhost:8080/marsWEB

10. Get access to MARS-QM

10.1. Open your Web browser and type http://localhost:8080/marsQM

11. Get access to the Web service interface

The mars web service is available through http://localhost:8080/marsWEB/services/ClientConnector