Genesis Server installation procedure

Applicable for Release 1.1.0

To install Genesis Server properly you have to execute the following steps on the sever:

Install Java Runtime Environment Standard Edition if necessary
Download Genesis Server and unpack it in a directory
Configure the server and database
Start and test the application server
Install the Genesis Server Client
Create an Administrator Account
If necessary setup your firewall if necessary

Java Runtime Environment installation

Open a shell

Check the current Java version with the command:

java -version

If you get an error or the java version is not 1.3.1 or later, install a new
Java Runtime Environment, else proceed with "Donwload Genesis Server".

Genesis Server is able to run on Java version 1.3.1, but 1.4.1 is recommended.

Download the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

Recommended is Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Release: 1.4.1_02
(Windows, Linux, Solaris)

If you are using an other platform see: Java Platform Ports

Install it according to the Installation Instructions

For further information about Java click here.

Download Genesis Server

Download or install the Genesis Server form the installation section.

Unzip the Genesis Server zip file. The cross-platform way to do this is to,
in the command shell, issue the command

jar xvf <genesis-zip-file>

where <genesis-zip-file> should be replaced by the name of your downloaded
archive. If you have not set the path ot the proper JavaVM, add the path in front of the
jar command to the right Java-VM directory, for instace:

/usr/java/bin/jar xvf ...

A JBoss directory hase been created which contains the Genesis Server. All path
statements from here on are relative to the JBoss directory.


Server configuration

Open the file (or run.bat for windows systems) in the bin/ directory

Specify the path to the right JavaVM for the JAVA_HOME environmental variable, e.g.

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Genesis Server Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

export JAVA_HOME

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# End Genesis Server Settings
# --------------------------------------------------------------------

To change the memory given to JBoss edit in the bin/ (or run.bat) file the
command –mxXXXm (where XXX is the number of MBytes given to the VM, e.g.
1024 for 1 GByte) in the last line:

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Genesis Server Settings #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------


# If a 64-Bit Java VM is available:

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# End Genesis Server Settings #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------

If you have a 64-Bit Java VM remove the comment tag in front of the -d64 tag:

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Genesis Server Settings #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------


# If a 64-Bit Java VM is available:

# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# End Genesis Server Settings #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------


Setting server ports

If you already have a JBoss server running on your server, you need to change the following ports to any freely available port. If the standard setting is Ok for your environment you can skip this step: The default ports are:

Genesis Server Communication Port
( = JBoss-Tomcat Web Server Port)
JBoss Port
JRMP Invoker
OIL Server
UIL Server

AJP Connector

If you intend to access the Genesis Server via an Apache web server you need to enable the AJP 1.3 connector in the server/default/deploy/tomcat41-service.xml file. This enables the tunneling of the genesis client - server communication through a firewall (using port 80 of the apache server). If you do not need this, skip this steps.

Enable the mod_jk module of apache (see apache documentation)

Open the mod_jk.conf file

Add a JkMount, e.g.:

# Genesis Tomcat extension for all servers with own jk-worker

JkMount /axis/services genesis
JkMount /axis/services/* genesis

Open the mod_jk_workers.conf file

Add genesis to the worker.list, e.g.:

# The workers that your plugins should create and work with
worker.list=ajp12, ajp13, genesis, keygen

Add a genesis ajp 13 worker, e.g.:

# ------ Additional ajp13 WORKERS for multiple tomcat support

Be sure the AJP connector of apache is working properly

Open the file tomcat41-service.xml file in the server/default/deploy/ directory

Remove the comment characters before and after the AJP13 tag.

Change the port of your AJP connection to apache


Starting the server

Compaq Alpha systems:

If you have a FastVM installed it is necessary to change the stack limit by typing:

limit stack 32768

proceed with the unix steps:

Unix systems:

Open an unix shell

Change to the bin/ directory

Change the execution attribute of the file by typing for instance:

chmod u+x

Start JBoss with the command ./

Windows systems:

Start JBoss using the batch file run.bat


Install the Genesis Server Client

Go tho the Genesis Server Client installation area and install Genesis Server Client
on your computer (not necessaraly the server).

Create an Administrator Account

Start the Genesis Server Client

Specify the server IP-Adress or server URL followed by the port in the Server Connection Properties
Dialog (Settings->Server Connection...). Replace with the Server IP Adress or server URL
(e.g. If you have changed the server port to any other than 8080 enter
your port here. If you have installed the AJP 1.3 connector and apache is configured to run on port 80
you do not need to specify a port. Just enter the server IP-Address or URL


Specify the server IP-Adress or URL in the Database Connection Properties Dialog
(Settings->Database Connection...). Replace with the Server IP-Adress or URL.
If you have changed the Hypersonic Database port, change 1476 to your Hypersonic database port.

Do not change the rest!


Connect to the server with the Connect button and enter the data for the administrator account.
Leave the last 4 entries (2 lines) emtpy (number of jobs and max number of jobs...).

Now you can use the Genesis Server and you may create new user accounts.
Do not use the Administrator account for calculation!

Firewall settings

Genesis Server 1.1.0 uses SOAP for communication between the client and the server. Only the Genesis Server port has to be opened (e.g. port 8080). However, if you are using the AJP 1.3 connector in combination with an apache server you can tunnel this communition through port 80 and do not need to open the Genesis Server port. This is a major improvement compared to release 1.0.0!


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