Genesis Server installation procedure

Applicable for Release 1.0.0

To install Genesis Server properly you have to execute the following steps on the sever:

Install Java Runtime Environment Standard Edition if necessary
Download Genesis Server and unpack it in a directory
Configure the server and database
Start and test the application server
Install the Genesis Server Client
Create an Administrator Account
If necessary setup your firewall if necessary


Java Runtime Environment installation

Open a shell

Check the current Java version with the command:

java -version

If you get an error or the java version is not 1.3.1 or later, install a new
Java Runtime Environment, else proceed with "Donwload Genesis Server".

Genesis Server is able to run on Java version 1.3.1, but 1.4.0 is recommended.

Recommended is Java Runtime Environment (JRE) Release: 1.4.0
(Windows, Linux, Solaris)

If you are using an other platform see: Java Platform Ports

Download the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

Install it according to the Installation Instructions

For further information about Java click here.


Download Genesis Server

Download or install the Genesis Server form the installation section.

Unzip the Genesis Server zip file. The cross-platform way to do this is to,
in the command shell, issue the command

jar xvf <genesis-zip-file>

where <genesis-zip-file> should be replaced by the name of your downloaded
archive. If you have not set the path ot the proper JavaVM, add the path in front of the
jar command to the right Java-VM directory, for instace:

/usr/java/bin/jar xvf ...

A JBoss directory hase been created which contains the Genesis Server. All path
statements from here on are relative to the JBoss directory.


Server configuration

Open the file in the conf/default/ directory

Specify the IP-address of the server in the line (replace with the server IP):

java.rmi.server.hostname=IP address

To get the IP adress of your computer open a shell and use the command:

Windows NT/2000/XP: ipconfig /all
Windows 95/98: wincfg
Linux, Unix: ifconfig
Solaris: ifconfig -a

Check if your java is working properly by typing the following command in a shell:

java -version

If you get an error message or the version is not 1.3.1 or later, you have to set the
path to the proper JavaVM. Open the (or run.bat) file in a text editor and
change the path in front of the java command (last line) to the right Java-VM,
for instace:

/usr/java/bin/java $HOTSPOT $JAXP -mx1024m -classpath .....

To change the memory given to JBoss edit in the bin/ (or run.bat) file the
command –mxXXXm (where XXX is the number of MBytes given to the VM, e.g.
1024 for 1 GByte) in the last line:

java $HOTSPOT $JAXP –xmXXXm –classpath …


Starting the server

Compaq Alpha systems:

If you have a FastVM installed it is necessary to change the stack limit by typing:

limit stack 32768

proceed with the unix steps:

Unix systems:

Open an unix shell

Change to the /bin directory

Change the execution attribute of the file by typing for instance:

chmod u+x

Start JBoss with the command ./

Windows systems:

Start JBoss using the batch file run.bat


Install the Genesis Server Client

Go tho the Genesis Server Client installation area and install Genesis Server Client
on your computer (not necessaraly the server).


Create an Administrator Account

Start the Genesis Server Client
Specify the server IP Adress in the Server Connection Properties Dialog
(Settings->Server Connection...). Replace with the Server IP Adress.
Do not change the Port (:1099)


Specify the server IP Adress in the Database Connection Properties Dialog
(Settings->Database Connection...). Replace with the Server IP Adress.
Do not change the rest!


Connect to the server with the Connect button and enter the data for the
Administrator account. Leave the last 2 entries emtpy (Max number of jobs...).

Now you can use the Genesis Server and you may create new user accounts.
Do not use the Administrator account for calculation!

Firewall settings

The communication between Genesis client and server is done over the TCP/IP protocol. The default configuration of the JNDI service is listening on port number 1099 on the server. The RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls) are done over RMI (Remote Method Invocation) using other ports. If you run a firewall between the server and the client then several ports have to bee opened. You can find a listing of the used ports in the following table. In future the communication should be made over Http-tunnelling. This would make it easier to run both components behind any firewalls.

Port Number
Should be
opened to
Used by clients to connect to JBoss to get the initial naming context
EJB clients
Hypersonic DB
Hypersonic is a pure Java DB included in JBoss as a sample.
DB clients
RMI Object Port
Used for clients to connect to the server.
EJB clients
HTML JMX adaptor
This is the HTML interface for dynamic administration of JBoss services. It allows you to start, stop and review all the mbeans in the server. Don't let it open to anybody, since it allows people to deploy/undeploy applications, to view DB passwords, and even to shutdown the server!
Webserver fo Java Classes
Allows clients to dynamically download classes from JBoss
EJB clients


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